6 Rainbow Hatching Eggs (1/2 dozen)
Looking to add a bit of color to you basket. You too can collect these unique colored eggs just like Spectrum Poultry! Your Rainbow 1/2 Dozen will include an assortment of Croad Langshan, Black Copper Marans, Ameraucana and Olive Egger eggs. These breeds produce eggs that will be olive green, gorgeous blue, chocolate brown and light brown with an occasional pink bloom over them.
Sorry but we don’t offer color substitutions.
It will be safe for us to start shipping out chicks in April, weather permitting. Hatching eggs are sent out March-September. We usually have a wait list for both eggs and chicks.
2 quantity limit per customer on this item.
Fertility is checked often and is excellent!
We also offer this product in a full dozen as well.
We are mainly going to offer day old chicks this season. Hatching eggs will be available on a limited basis in between setting our incubators for chick orders. We will post hatching eggs for availability on our Facebook page.
Orders can be placed directly through our website. Payments are required in full at the time of purchase. Once your order is placed, that will reserve your spot in line. Orders are sent out depending upon when payment is received and availability.
Hatching eggs will be available on a limited basis.
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